Board Games Go Big. Really Big

"CulverLand" is a temporary artwork/board game in Culver City.

If you're rather fond of a) those massive outdoor chess boards sometimes seen at museums and grand country estates of yore and b) you're rather fond of whatever version of "Slug Bug" or car-color-spotting you and your family favor, you are in luck.

Let's add a quick but important c) to the list. If you are rather fond of c) art and whimsy, you're also in luck. That's because CulverLand, a 90-foot-long, sidewalk-situated board game, is open to one and all to come and play through Sunday, Oct. 31.

If you guessed that CulverLand, a here-this-month-gone-next-month artwork from John Derevlany, can be found in Culver City, and not your local game store, you would be correct. It's near where Culver Boulevard meets Ince Boulevard, near the Culver Hotel.

If you guessed that CulverLand is free to play, you would be correct again.

And if you guessed that the color squares of CulverLand somehow correspond with the hues of passing vehicles, well, ding ding ding. You can read all the rules here.

As mentioned, CulverLand is just up through Halloween. Oh, but look here: Culver City is having its Oktoberfest on Wednesday, Oct. 20, in conjunction with its downtown block party series. Why not combine the two? Just be careful not to splash any ale as you move about on top of the art.

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