A teenage nation's addiction to the twisting drama and ridiculously sexy vampires in the book-turned-into-a-movie, Twilight, continues: As of Wednesday, Fred Flare started selling "The Bella Jacket," a hooded blue cotton jacket that actress Kristen Stewart (a.k.a. Bella) wore during the film as she frolicked with her dashing vampire boyfriend in the woods. As of today, according to nylonmag.com, that same jacket now has a waiting list.
That's right, if you want to order the $64 jacket that will—somehow, we guess—get you that much closer to actually being a part of the Twilight experience, you'll have to put in your order and wait 'til ... wait for it ... August 15! (And that's just as of right now!)
We find ourselves more than a little overwhelmed by this film's selling power. We mean, it's basically a hooded jacket, right? We at least understood the buzz around Patricia Field's Sex and the City collection for HSN. That was an entire collection designed around a movie in which the fashion was practically a character in the film! This ... this is really a trip.