May the Fourth Be With You

In a week that's going to be all "Star Trek" all the time with the release of the J.J. Abrams mega-galactic-ginormous space opera, we want to pause and tip our light saber to all our friends in the Rebel Alliance out there, seeing as how it is May 4.

What's so special about May 4, anyway? Was that the original date of the release of "Star Wars"? (Nope, that was May 25, 1977.) It's based on "May" and "fourth" and how much the word "fourth" sounds like the word "force"... well, you get the idea. May the fourth be with you. It's wonderfully silly, it's harmless, and we always welcome both of those things in a world that is too often neither.

So it is "Star Wars" day, and how you choose to celebrate it -- by saying "May the fourth be with you" to everyone in your office in a Yoda-esque voice or Chewbacca-ish moan, watching your favorite film again, dressing your pup up like an Ewok -- be sure to mark the day in a big, like Death Star-big, way.

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