Autumn's Honorary Hotel Room

ADORING ON AUTUMN: You like fall? We like fall. We're sweet on winter, too, and spring is okay, when it skips the whole windy thing, and summer? Well. Any time it verges into roasty we want to have words with it. But come autumn, we want to celebrate, and a getaway is often our minds. So we went looking for the most fall-y of rooms that would be a short-ish to half-day drive from points south.

HI, MADONNA INN: Of course we looked at that most theme-y of hotel landmarks. And of course the San Luis Obispo favorite has a room that has several autumnal touches, and a very fall-y name: Oak Leaves. Get the chandeliers in that room: woodsy supreme. It's like the whole space is a symphony in browns.

THURSDAY, SEPT. 23: The hotel says that the Oak Leaves is available that night, which is the first night of fall. Rate is $239 plus tax.

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