Free Show: 100+ Vintage Cars at Farmers Market

The Third & Fairfax favorite salutes Mustang's 50th anniversary.

You can't write a book about Californians and cars without incorporating the sentence "Los Angeles was built on car culture" somewhere within the first chapter. (Or variation on the theme.)

Of course we're wacky over our wheels, what with our cloverleafian freeways and all of the drive-thru restaurants that had their soda-fizzy starts in ol' SoCal back in the day.

But we like our car cool to come with a side of charm, much in the way a burger arrives with tasty onion rings, and the annual Gilmore Heritage Auto Show delivers on the duo front. On the one hand you have a free automobile show, one that's rounded up over 100 vintage beauties. And the other hand? Beautiful Farmers Market, the original Farmers Market, at Third and Fairfax.

Which is the burger and which are the onion rings there? Between the car show and Farmers Market? We'll let you decide.

Date's Saturday, June 7 -- yep, yep, it's always the first Saturday in June, as has been tradition for the last two decades -- and it'll run for the better part of the day.

In the high-horsepower spotlight? Mustangs. It's the icon's 50th anniversary, so count on a full stable of cars representing. But hot rods and trucks and dream machines of several different makes'll be bordering Farmers Market and running along the street between the market and The Grove.

It's true that Los Angeles is home to more than one excellent automotive museum, but Farmers Market has that roadside, French-fry-fun cred. If you do indeed like your burgers with onion rings, then best take a free-admission car show with a side of vintage-eatery charm. 

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