
Holiday on a Bun: Turducken Hot Dog

Want the whole Thanksgiving meal, on a bun? The Dog Haus has it.

Futurists of the past promised that we denizens of the 21st century would consume our meals strictly in tablet or shake form.

Consume these tablets and shakes, that is, as we lounged on the decks of our modern space ports. Want a steak? That's the blue lozenge. Want a Christmas goose with all the trimmings? You can get that in a hot drink.

This prediction is coming to pass, in a way, but far more flavorfully, more humorously, and more Thanksgivingly, than those long ago soothsayers said. Turns out that contemporary chefs don't try and squish whole meals into small lozenges; rather, they are now taking their meal of choice, Thanksgiving dinner, and putting it into a single scoop of ice cream or on a hot dog bun.

The Dog Haus, which has its main HQ in Pasadena, is doing just that via its take on the Turducken. The Plymouth Rockwürst, the frankfurter-focused chain's holiday offering, features "a turducken sausage (turkey, chicken and duck smoked sausage with fresh sage, rosemary, thyme, whiskey-soaked cranberries and yams), topped with apples cranberry mostarda, sweet potato tots, and sage gravy served on grilled King's Hawaiian rolls."

Whoa. Futurists, you were right: Tried-and-true meals can and shall take on new character and form in the future.

Cost? It's $6.99, which is rather less than what it costs to stage a full Thanksgiving meal. Sweet potato tots, on the side, are $1.99.

Would you ever want to give up the full, glorious, gravy-laden, marshmallow-melted Thanksgiving spectacle? Of course not: tradition of the foodly sort is the best.

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Want to find new things to do in Los Angeles? The Scene's lifestyle stories have you covered. Here's your go-to source on where the fun is across SoCal and for the weekend.

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But trying Thanksgiving on a bun or in an ice cream cup is what edible-loving adventurers do nowadays, and the offerings of SoCal are pretty plentiful in this regard.

We don't even need that shiny space port and its meal shakes and tablets. We live in a region that has it all.

Sorry, shiny space port.

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