Lucky 13th: LA River Ride

Cycles'll spin by a waterway that's in the headlines (and many a heart).

Most Angelenos will recall a day, not so far back in the distance, when the LA River was not in the headlines very often.

Oh, maybe there were some op-eds lobbing words like "blight" about, and maybe there was unenthusiastic talk about what would be next for the river of little dirt and vegetation.

But then things changed, as they happily do. The people who were always friends with the river drew more people to their enlightened vision, and soon clean-up days grew and kayaking opportunities grew and chances to fish grew, too.

We're pretty sure that some of the waterway's good mojo springs from its annual bike ride, a spirited affair.  LA River Ride marks its lucky 13th on Sunday, June 9, and we're pretty the topics of conversation will not involve the word "blight" as much and more "say, when do you want to go kayaking this summer?"

"All ages & all abilities" are invited to ride. As always, there are multiple rides, from the lengthy century to a family roll. Most of the rides start and finish at Griffith Park, with a couple of exceptions that have a Long Beach start and finish.

The site describes inclines and what to expect from the octet of rides. Two of the words we're happiest to see? "Rest stops." It's a pretty easy-breezy day, with a good-sized dollop of socializing and river-directed love on top.

NBC/Universal also made LA River headlines last month, with a commitment to help a 6.4-mile stretch from Studio City to Griffith Park ("help" meaning $13.5 million dollars).

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