December 24 is, without question, one of the biggest days of the year for social gatherings, for coming-togethers, and for people to grow close, catch up, and share some community and cheer.
And there are few spots that represent that idea more than wherever Schmooz-a-Palooza lands. The annual celebration is billed as "(t)he LA Jewish community's favorite holiday party," and it lives up to that lively label by filling the night with tequila tastings and tapas enjoyment.
Oh, there's a clue as to where the party is going down this year: Red O on Melrose. Oh yeah. Gourmet Mexican deliciousness and posh cocktails, at the end of December? It just fits.
As will the "amazing raffle prizes" that are on the Schmooz-a-Palooza bill, and the dancing -- there's lots of grooving at this to-do, trust -- and "all-night drink specials."
Plus? A bevy of "Nice Jewish Guys" direct from the 2014 Nice Jewish Guys Calendar'll be in the crowd, mingling and saying hello and signing calendars. Please; you're going to buy this anyway. Why not have the July model sign his picture? That's just holiday festive, right there.
Prizes up for grab during the night are plentiful, by the way, and include a six-month membership to (JDate is the event's sponsor, by the by). But a rep for Schmooz-a-Palooza playfully ponders if that will be required, should you meet one of the Nice Jewish Guys and make a plan for coffee down the road.
It's a fun and fab'd-out night, with dressy revelers being convivial, and, at 20, it is a tried-and-terrific local tradition. Tickets are $35 ahead of time or $45 at the door, "if any remain."
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Go, get the calendar, and maybe a new special friend's phone number in the process. What could it hurt?