Band's Stunt Shuts Down 101 Freeway

"Most people were in shock, but then we started getting people yelling at us"

Traffic on the 101 Freeway was at a standstill Tuesday after a publicity stunt involving a group of musicians.

At about 10:30 a.m., a box truck owned by Imperial Stars parked sideways across three lanes on the southbound side of the freeway near Sunset Boulevard. Dispatchers received 911 reports of a vehicle parked in the middle of the freeway and musicians performing on the roof, according to CHP.

Three people were arrested. On Wednesday, their names were released, the Orange County Register reported:

Keith Richard Yackey, 31, of Las Vegas; Christopher Roy Wright, 32, of Garden Grove; and David Paul Hale, 30, of Stanton, were arrested on suspicion of several counts: disturbing the peace, resisting or delaying a peace officer, conspiring to commit a crime, and unlawful assembly.

Tyler Fairbanks, information technology manager with the Imperial Stars record label, said 30 people in several vehicles were involved in the freeway stunt. The band performed a song called, "Traffic Jam 101."

According to the band's Facebook page:

The Imperial Stars are what they appear to be; ROCK STARS! Living on the Edge they’re known for getting crazy and hanging out with their friends. Living the dream on stage under the heat of the lime light, Orange County California based amplified sound virtuosos cement themselves as one of the preeminent entertainment groups in popular music. Dynamic synthesizers, authoritative drum patterns and mainstay power vocals that remind even the average ear of greatness, The Imperial Stars pierced themselves into the heart of music history.

"Most people were in shock, but then we started getting people yelling at us," said Fairbanks.

He said plans were hatched about three months ago as part of an effort to bring awareness to child homelessness. The top of the truck read, "Over 1.5 million homeless children in the USA. What are we doing?"


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A tow truck arrived on the 101 Freeway shortly before noon on Tuesday to remove the truck, according to the California Highway Patrol.

 "It appears they were trying to pull some type of publicity stunt," said CHP Lt. Omar Watson. "This type of activity is very dangerous. It can cause accidents and backups on the freeway.

The driver of the bus fled the scene and took the keys to the bus with him, Watson said.

Fairbanks said the stunt was originally scheduled for Monday, but organizers moved the date to Tuesday because of the Columbus Day holiday. That meant more traffic on one of the nation's busiest freeways.

"No other freeway is more iconic than the Hollywood Freeway," Fairbanks said.

And, at about A few comments from our followers on Twitter:

mercadorona: "No wonder I've been stopped 4 1 hr on 101

timspivey: Only in SoCal :)

superdaniela: and now they'll be famous. 

fuseboxradio: that's one way to get heads to listen to your music...

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