The sequel was better than the original for Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger at the voting booth in Los Angeles.
A poll worker said a scanning machine rejected his original ballot Tuesday morning because he selected two Senate candidates. You're only allowed to pick one.
The machine spit the ballot back out, and as Schwarzenegger tried again -- this time, attempting to insert it the other way -- a poll worker stepped in and had the governor examine his ballot.
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The governor was given a choice -- fill out a new ballot or have his Senate vote (or in this case, votes) terminated. The governor filled out a new ballot, but did not say which candidate he selected.
His choices included former Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina, former Congressman Tom Campbell and state Assemblyman Chuck DeVore.
The governor then tweeted: "I voted - have you? Get to the polls today! Make sure to vote yes on Prop 14 and help end Sacramento gridlock."
Proposition 14 would institute an open-primary election system for partisan posts, allowing voters to cast ballots in primary elections for any candidate regardless of political party. The top two vote-getters in the open primary would advance to the general election, even if they are both from the same party.
Schwarzenegger wouldn't say whether his political career will end with his final term as governor.
"I am charging to finish line," he told NBCLA. "I won't be a lame duck."
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