Two high school football games ended in tragedy and chaos Friday night, when three teens were shot in Long Beach after a match-up between Long Beach Poly and Wilson High and when a brawl in the stands ended Gardena High's homecoming game against Narbonne High.
The shooting at Wilson High left a 16-year-old girl dead and injured an 18-year-old and a 20-year-old man. Shots were fired as people filed out of the bleachers after the conclusion of the game and congregated near Ximeno Avenue.
The 16-year-old, whose name is being withheld by authorities, was pronounced dead after being transported to a local hospital, said Long Beach Police Sgt. Dina Zapalski.
It is still unclear to police what prompted the shooting and who is responsible.
Across town at Gardena High, a fight broke out in the stands and caused officials to clear the field and eventually call the game.
With 9:16 left in the fourth quarter, the fight escalated into a mini-riot and many witnesses said at least one person was wielding a firearm, according to the Daily Breeze.
Police were quickly called in and evacuated the stadium but no arrests have been made.
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These latest incidences come on the heels of another brawl that happened just two-weeks prior at Fairfax High, involving roughly 100 students.
With just minutes remaining in the game, a verbal argument, launched between a few fans, quickly spiraled out of control. Police were called in to restore order and were forced use pepper-spray before re-establishing control of the situation, said LAUSD police Sgt. Patrick Lynch.
The confrontation lasted no more than 10 minutes and resulted in five arrests.
The continued troubles at local high school football games are causing area school officials to discuss the need for extra security presence during their weekend games.