An armed robber who entered an adult-themed store Wednesday and demanded cash was chased of by two employees who lobbed sex toys at him in a bizarre confrontation that was caught on camera.
An armed man who entered an adult-themed store Wednesday and demanded cash was chased off by two employees who lobbed sex toys at him in a bizarre confrontation that was caught on camera.
The man can be seen pacing around outside Lotions and Lace, which bills itself as San Bernardino's "One Stop Sex Shop," before pulling a hood over his head and entering the store. He marched toward the cashier's counter with gun drawn, but two women working the late shift refused to back down.
Instead, they began yelling at the man and throwing sex toys at him.
"It blew me away," said store owner Janel Hargreaves. "I initially walked in and see all these toys all over the store, and I say, 'Did you throw these at him?' They're launching them all the way from the cash register all the way up to the front door. It just blew me away that they took it into their own hands."
Hargreaves said the employees thought the gun might be fake, but added employees are encouraged to avoid any type of confrontation.
The man demanded cash, but left with nothing under the barrage of adult merchandise. One of the sex toys appeared to sail just over his head, but a second struck him in the upper body.
Cameras showed the robber walking out with his back turned to employees, but not before they tossed a third toy that rolled on the floor near the robber's feet as he left.
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"I told the girls it was not a good idea," she said. "But nope, they took it one step further.
"I think they felt violated. Away from home, this is their home. The message is get out, we're not going to stand for it."
No arrests were reported.