“Breaking Bad” Auto Auction

Want to roll in a vehicle used on the wrapping-up hit series? Best get your bidding hat on.

Auctions, according to pop culture, are prim, white-glove affairs, brimming with vases and paintings and jewels and dainty, don't-touch objects.

But what of a mean machine that rumbled its way through the not-so-dainty, definitely-not-prim series "Breaking Bad"? That vehicle, and others on the series, deserve their day on the auction block, or, rather, days. ScreenBid, a Hollywood-focused, auction site, will open up bidding on several "Breaking Bad" automobiles on Sunday, Sept. 29.

So what's in play? Skyler White's handsomely paneled Jeep, for one. Jesse Pinkman's Toyota Tercel. And a double of the El Camino driven by Todd. Plus? Walter White's Aztek.

Multiple Azteks were used during the filming, note; one will remain at Sony Studios.

Plus? Many other "Breaking Bad" items, doodads, and memorabilia. Well over 200 lots are listed on the ScreenBid site, and the gamut is well-covered. Meaning? Fans will get the chance to bid on Gustavo Fring's air-freshener, clothing, and Walter White's book bag.

Neat, right? Even if you don't bid, a scroll through the auction items will be a trip back through the series, for sure. Oh, and in case you haven't heard -- we're ribbin' ya here, everyone's heard -- the acclaimed, dissected, much-obsessed over, mega-award-winner of a series ends on Sunday, Sept. 29.

So, how to fill the hours before then, or even after? A scroll through props galore, of course. The auction is on from noon on Sept. 29 through Monday, Oct. 7 at noon PDT.

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