The driver whose vehicle plowed into a South LA bus stop Tuesday failed his field sobriety test and was arrested at the scene, said Officer Christian Craycraft with California Highway Patrol.
Six pedestrians – five men and one woman – waiting for the bus were sent to the hospital and listed in critical, but stable, condition as of Tuesday night. CHP officials could not update their condition as of Thursday afternoon.
The crash occurred shortly after 3 p.m. Tuesday, when the motorist reportedly drove into the bus lane off the northbound 110 freeway under the eastbound 105 freeway, CHP said.
When he swerved to avoid hitting the back of a bus, the motorist collided into a crowd waiting at the bus stop, police said.

News Chopper 4 recorded footage of the suspected driver undergoing a field sobriety test conducted by CHP officers, standard procedure in similar accidents.
The crash rerouted the Silver Line freeway express bus onto surface streets, snarling the afternoon commute for riders and motorists.
Several passengers said they've seen other drivers go through the bus lane.
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"Once by accident, I saw a car go through, I know it was an accident," said Marie Thomas, bus passenger. "Normally cars do pretty well. Today wasn't that day."
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