Granada Hills Charter High School won the 2016 U.S. Academic Decathlon in Anchorage, Alaska, it was announced Saturday.
This is the school's fifth Academic Decathlon title in the last six years.
The San Fernando Valley school scored 54,195.1 out of a possible 60,000 points to win the overall competition.
The Granada Hills team members are Mark Aguila, Julian Duran, Isha Gupta, Joshua Lin, Christopher Lo, Aishah Mahmud, Melissa Santos, Mayeena Ulkarim and Jorge Zepeda.
The nine-member team dominated 68 other schools at the California Academic Decathlon in March, scoring a record 61,149.6 points out of a possible 65,400, according to the school.
The three-day national competition, with the theme of India, concluded Saturday with an awards banquet.
Granada Hills won national titles in 2011, 2012, 2013, 2015 and now 2016. The school also won the national competition in 2007.
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A California school has now won the U.S. title 14 years in a row, and LAUSD schools have won 17 national titles since 1986.
Copyright City News Service.