Caught on Video: Thieves Blow Past Four Security Cameras, Warning Signs

The Chatsworth home is equipped with four security cameras

Homeowner Richard Espinoza explains what happened as thieves trounced past four security cameras and signs warning them they were being recorded as they broke into his Chatsworth home, and he surmises why he was targeted for the heist. Kim Baldonado reports for the NBC4 News at 11 p.m. on Jan. 9, 2013.

Surveillance cameras captured the faces of two men who this week broke into a Chatsworth home equipped with four security cameras, signs warning of 24-hour video surveillance, an alarm and a Neighborhood Watch sign posted directly in front of the house.

"Anger, frustration. I've done all I can do,” said homeowner Richard Espinoza. “The only other thing I can do is hire a guard to stand out front all day."

First, a young woman approached the house and rang the doorbell several times. Espinoza believes she was sent by the burglars to check if anyone was home.

A short time later, a backyard camera captured one of the suspects jumping over a wall.

"I built the wall high purposely and the waterfall is about 12 feet off the ground," said Espinoza, who provides a play-by-play of sorts as he watches the surveillance video.

“He comes over the wall and you're going to see him creep around the pool, hunched over and he comes over to the back sliding door area," Espinoza narrated.

The thieves escaped away with a jewelry box before the alarm sent them running.


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With all the security, why does Espinoza think his house was targeted?

"I'm a contractor and the house has been remodeled,” he said. “It's beautiful on the outside so they assume we have valuables inside."

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