A Dachshund from Woodland Hills is heading to New York to compete in the prestigious Westminster Kennel Club Annual Dog Show.
Charlie the Dachshund is hoping to be a winner.
"It's probably the most prestigious show in the United States," said Charlie's owner, Richard Van Elgort.
It's a show that's been around longer than the light bulb or automobile. The Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show is where only champions like Charlie compete.
She will be among other Southern California entrants ,including an Airedale Terrier from Brentwood.
Van Elgort and his wife are crazy about their pets, and the breed he admits is unique.
"They're very affectionate," said Van Elgort. "They're a little bit strange looking being that they're two dogs long and half-dog high.
At Westminster Charlie will be referred as a Standard Smooth Dachshund and by her official name, that would be "Kinderteckel's Charlotte My Lady In Red."
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Charlie's fiance, Fred, competed last year.
"For a second there I looked around and saw the big scoreboards and everything, and go like, 'I'm standing at Madison Square Garden showing my dog' and it was just the pride of ownership," according to Van Elgort.
If Charlie is named the winner of the Hound Group, she can compete for the title of Best in Show.
The Westminster Dog Show will held this year on Feb. 13 and 14.
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