Paranormal Investigators Probe SoCal Air Force Base

Ghost hunters are investigating possible paranormal activity at a Southern California Air Force Base, just as revelers across the country don Halloween costumes and partake in the nation’s spookiest holiday.

Employees at March Air Force Base in Riverside County have reported hearing strange noises and spotting even stranger movements.

"It's creepy. It's like somebody's watching you," security guard Michael Diaz said, describing the sensation he gets when walking along inside the March Field Air Museum.

"You get all goose bumpy and you try to play it off because you just can't shake it. It's part of being here," Diaz said.

A retired Los Angeles police officer, Diaz said he has heard some unexplainable noises during his past five years on the base. One time, he heard a disembodied "knock, knock."

He said he saw paranormal activity, too, like a shadowy figure inside the museum’s library.

And he’s not the only one.


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The museum’s curator is positive a Vietnam-era cargo plane on base is haunted, possibly because it was used to bring home casualties of war.

"With our 141 … we've picked up voices in it by using recorders," curator Jeff Houlihan said.

"Everybody on base has different stories about things they hear, knocks. They notice somebody in the corner of their eye," said Joe Mora, with Ghost Force Paranormal.

Mora, who is also an Air Force reservist, is investigating the buildings on the March property. He’s seen orbs in videos taken on base and said he spoke with a spirit named Gust.

A night-vision recording shot by fellow airman Mathieu Beaulie appears to show two human shapes in the background of a big empty room.

Still, the “evidence” that has paranormal investigators thinking rumors of a haunted base are worthy of their attention, doesn’t have Air Force officials convinced.

"I'm very skeptical," said Linda Welz, spokeswoman for March Air Force Base.

She said she was there when the video showing human shapes was recorded late at night inside an old medical building, but doesn’t know how those images appeared.

"Wow, there's no explanation for that. It's kind of freaky," she said.

Diaz said he and his colleagues have not experienced anything "demonic" in connection with the alleged hauntings.

"We've never had a bad experience," he said. "It's always been something good."

With a laugh, Diaz said he, too, will return to the base in the afterlife.

"I'm gonna haunt this place. I'm gonna make sure these guys are doing everything right," Diaz said with a laugh.

And don’t worry, taxpayers. The paranormal investigation on the federal base is not costing a dime of public funds.

The ghost-hunting airmen are doing it for free, because, they say, they love the search.

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