Man Detained After Making ‘Credible Threat' to Pierce College, Classes Reopen Thursday

Classes are scheduled to resume Thursday at Pierce College after police detained a man who allegedly made a "credible threat" against the school on Wednesday.

School officials posted information on the threat to social media at 6 p.m., calling it an emergency alert.

Details were scant, but school officials said the remainder of classes Wednesday evening were canceled and would resume in the morning.

"Please leave the campus safely. We are taking measures to ensure safety of our students and employees. Please do not come to Pierce College tonight," the school said.

[LA Updated 10/8] 2018 Top SoCal Photos in the News

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Toni Guinyard/KNBC-TV

A Rose Parade float is moved out of an Irwindale warehouse for judging Monday Dec. 31, 2018.

Students posting on social media didn't appear alarmed, but officers' patrol units were seen on campus as police evacuated students and staff.

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