Two men were questioned by San Bernardino County sheriff’s deputies and will have to appear in court in connection with a video that appeared on Facebook of children fighting each other. The youngsters were apparently being egged on by the adults, Gabriel Gamboa, 23, and Agustin Gamboa, 24. Antonio Castelan reports from Adelanto for the NBC4 News at 11 p.m….
Two men have been ordered to appear in court, suspected of encouraging and recording a fight between two boys, aged 5 and 6, San Bernardino officials said.
Gabriel Gamboa, 23, and Agustin Gamboa, 24, both of Adelanto, were issued citations in connection with the brawl.
Police said anonymous tipsters told them on Friday morning that the fight went down at the Candlewick apartment complex in Adelanto.
Detectives interviewed the several tenants, including the Gamboa brothers, later in the day.
"During the interviews, Detectives determined that several children in the apartment complex are frequently involved in physical altercations, and some of the altercations are caused by bullying," Rod Hoops, with the San Bernardino County Sheriff-Coroner Department, wrote in the statement released Friday evening.
Parents in the neighborhood were outraged. The father of the 5-year-old boy said the brawl was typical childish behavior, but was disappointed in the adults that recorded the fight without stopping it.
That child's aunt was passionate when she spoke about the neighborhood.
"Community, it’s terrible,” she said. "Something needs to get done immediately. People are losing their kids to the streets of old Adelanto."
In the video, called, "My nephew messed him up for picking on his home boy," two boys are seen kicking, punching and choking each other while an adult shooting the video eggs them on.
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An adult voice in the video can be heard saying, "Get off the ground, Charlie."
The video ends when a child breaks up the fight.
Someone found the video -- first posted on Facebook -- and reported it to the San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department on Thursday.
Sheriff's officials said it appeared the kids were being "provoked by an adult," who kept spectators from interfering while a second adult is believed to have filmed the brawl.
“What’s most disturbing is that there are adults nearby that are not stopping it,” Bachman said. “The adults that are seen in the video are not setting any kind of example for these children.
“It’s our responsibility -- if we have information, if we know who these people are -- to call in.”
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