Officers Investigate Spidey-Senseless Act

Webslinger taken into custody

Police responded to a report of an attack Wednesday night to find four Spider-Men.

This would be unusual if the officers weren't in the 6800 block of Hollywood Boulevard. Superhero impersonators are all over the place near Hollywood and Highland, and it's not the first time a fictional crime-fighter has been accused of just plain fighting.

Officers placed handcuffs on one of the Spider-Men and proceeded to escort the masked man down Hollywood Boulevard to a squad car. Lt. Beverly Lewis said the web-slinger was identified as 39-year-old Christopher Loomis.

"They stopped one, it wasn't him," Lewis said. "They stopped the second, and it was the suspect."

Loomis/Spider-Man allegedly struck a man in the face and arms on Hollywood Boulevard. The victim refused to press charges, but authorities arrested Loomis on outstanding misdemeanor warrants for Metro fare evasion.

The LA Times has images of the arrest. Warning: It's a sad sight for anyone who believed in Spider-Man.

The movie characters and celebrity look-alikes pose for photos and collect tips from tourists near Grauman's Chinese Theater. But some costumed impersonators have been accused of aggressive begging, fighting over sidewalk territory and abusing people who don't tip.

The territorial dispute resulted in an ugly -- and somewhat comical -- scene in February when CD vendors attacked a man dressed as Nacho Libre. Nacho, in a cumbersome face mask and cape, attempted to defend himself as a Spider-Man and Batman kept their distance.

Two years ago, a Chewbacca allegedly head-butted a tour guide. The Wookiee was accused of pressuring Japanese tourists for money.

It is unwise to anger a Wookiee.

Impersonators said new characters are targeted more often than more experienced impersonators.

It was not immediately clear what prompted the most recent superhero scuffle.

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