Snoop Lion Among Rappers Paying for Slain 6-Year-Old's Funeral

The Game said he transferred $10,000 to the little girl's mother

Snoop Lion has joined an LA-born hip-hop artist to contribute thousands of dollars for the funeral of a 6-year-old girl who was gunned down in a Moreno Valley garage.

The Game, pictured below, posted the news on his Instagram account Tuesday. Calvin Broadus Jr., also known as Snoop Dogg or Snoop Lion, contributed an undisclosed amount, the Riverside Press-Enterprise reported. Others have contributed more than $5,700 to the cost of her funeral on a website called

"This very sad story hit me in a place nothing ever has," Taylor wrote.

Tiana Ricks, of Victorville, was holding her father's leg when men approached the garage and opened fire, relative LeShawn Cook said. They were at a relative’s home to celebrate a cousin going away to college.

Tiana apparently didn't realize she had been shot. The little girl kept asking if her father was OK, Cook said.

The Game, whose birth name is Jayceon Terrell Taylor, said he read about the family’s tragedy while in Australia and “immediately tracked down her mother.”

The Game referenced the Robin Hood Project, an initiative of his to give away $1 million of his money "just because I feel like it." Tiana is among seven people helped by the project so far.

I "noticed her & the family trying to raise $10,000 for funeral costs.... So I got her on a 3 way with my accountant & now I'm in the process of transferring $10,000 from my account to hers!!!!!" he wrote.


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Police are still searching Wednesday for the shooters who killed Tiana and wounded her father.

And the shooting is especially mysterious for the 26-year-old father who recently moved to California from the Midwest.

Tyrell Ricks said he had no gang ties, and didn't know anyone outside of his family in Moreno Valley.

"I could care less about my well-being," he said. "I loved her so much, and now she's gone."

Anyone with information is urged to call the sheriff's homicide unit at 951-955-2777 or the sheriff's Moreno Valley station at 951-486-6700

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