Wind Damage: What Does Insurance Cover?

In the wake of Wednesday's wind storm, many wonder what damage will insurance actually pay for?

Of course, the only time you worry about your insurance coverage is when you need it.

Here's a few things to keep in mind while you deal with the mess left behind by those Santa Ana winds.

Generally, if a tree falls on your house, the damage to the home is covered, and most policies will even pay up to $500 to cover the cost of removing the tree.

If you lost part of your roof, or shingles, that should be covered too.

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But, if the tree falls in the yard, and doesn't touch the house, nothing is covered. The owner usually has to pay for everything, including removing the tree.

And homeowners beware, landslides and mudslides are not covered by home and flood insurance.

If a tree falls on a car, it doesn't matter who's tree it is.


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Car insurance will cover it only if the owner has paid for comprehensive coverage. That coverage is different from the state required liability insurance.

So, if you don't have comprehensive coverage, you are out of luck.

And whether it's your auto or home policy you're dealing with, don't forget that you have to pay the deductible.

Finally, if you believe the city, or your neighbor did not maintain that tree, and you have proof you complained about the tree before the wind storm, you could have a claim.

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