Yoshiki's Crystal Piano Nets $130K for Japan Relief

After 1,454 bids and a brief hiatus due to some runaway bidding, a crystal piano has raised more than $130,000 for Japan earthquake and tsunami relief.

The piano's now-former owner, Yoshiki, is one of the biggest rock stars in Japan. The instrument was put on the auction block as part of Yoshiki Foundation America's fundraising efforts.

Yahoo! Auctions, who co-sponsored the project, was forced to shut down bidding after offers reached as high as $20 million. After restructuring its verification system, including prior I.D. confirmation for some bids, the auction reopened on April 25.

On Friday, the bidding closed with a final price of $134,766.63.

Rock Star Yoshiki Auctions Piano for Japan Relief

Yoshiki is working with other big names to help raise funds. An outfit worn by Britney Spears during a Japanese candy commercial fetched $5,065.62.

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