Rock Star Yoshiki Auctions “Crystal Piano” for Japan Relief

Proceeds from the auction will go to quake and tsunami victims

When Hello Kitty issues a likeness of you, you're a big deal.
So it's not surprising that when heavy metal musician Yoshiki and X Japan visited Hollywood and Highland in January 2010, they attracted some attention -- about 8,000 screaming fans.

From the LA Times:

With helicopters circling, the feathery-haired band members ascended to a stage atop the venue to lip-sync new songs. Guitars screamed and drums pounded; pillars of fire erupted from cannons. Technicians deployed fireworks and Hollywood Boulevard traffic was brought to a standstill for more than six hours in the name of a singularly Japanese brand of heavy metal thunder.

One component of that thunder will be auctioned to help raise funds for Japan's earthquake and tsunami victims. Yoshiki, who lives in Los Angeles, will auction his "crystal" piano.

"How fragile we are," Yoshiki said Friday at his North Hollywood studio. "Thousands of people's lives. I couldn't believe what I saw."

Rock Star Yoshiki Auctions Piano for Japan Relief

He said his band mates and family members are ok.

"It took awhile to locate my mother, but she is, thankfully, OK," said Yoshiki. "I’ve spoken with (band members)... and they are all safe, as well.  I am praying for the people here who are still trying to locate their family and friends."

The band's first U.S. single was scheduled to be released this week, but that released was postponed.

Donate: Yoshiki Foundation

Follow: YoshikiOfficial

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