UTA: Woman Reports Sexual Assault at Frat House

Male student and two fraternities suspended

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One male student has been suspended along with two fraternities after a woman at the University of Texas at Arlington says she was the victim of a sexual assault after she was found unconscious in a fraternity house.

A male student and two fraternities at the University of Texas at Arlington campus were suspended Sunday after a woman reported being sexually assaulted at a fraternity house.

UT Arlington said its campus police responded Saturday at 11:38 p.m. to an unconscious woman in a residence hall. She was transported to the hospital, where she said she had been sexually assaulted at the Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity house.

In a statement released Sunday, UT-Arlington said it suspended a male student. 

"Additionally, an interim suspension has been issued for two fraternities - Sigma Phil Epsilon and Pi Kappa Phi - related to unregistered parties and possible use of alcohol by individuals under the age of 21," said the statement.

"We take these issues very seriously. We are taking decisive and appropriate action while the investigation continues and due process is served related to these unfortunate circumstances," President Vistasp M. Karbhari said in the statement.

"We are deeply committed to the well-being of our University community and will not tolerate behavior that is potentially dangerous for our students and others."

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