George Takei Offers Alternative to “Don't Say Gay” Bill

"If you're in a more festive mood, you can march in a Takei Pride Parade"

Tennessee's so-called "Don't Say Gay" bill, which passed in that state's Senate Friday, prompted George Takei to offer a classroom alternative.

Measure SB49 involves what educators can and can't say in Tennessee's schools when it comes to teaching about sexuality. Basically, if schools are going to teach about sexuality before high school, it had better be heterosexuality.

An amended version passed Friday.

"It's premised on the misguided belief that by not talking about gay people, they can simply make us disappear," said Takei.

Takei's suggestion: "Any time you need to say the word, 'gay,' you can simply say, 'Takei.'"

Takei offers some examples in a YouTube video posted Thursday.

"You could safely proclaim you support Takei marriage. If you're in a more festive mood, you can march in a Takei Pride Parade. Even homophobic slurs don't seem as hurtful if you say, 'That's sooo Takei.'"

The suggestions go on (scroll down to watch the video), but Takei wraps with a few pitches for "It's OK to be Takei" merchandise.

Takei, aka Sulu from Star Trek, has a record of activism. He also rallied against California's Prop 8, which defines marriage as between only a man and woman.

He married his longtime partner at the Japanese American National Museum in Los Angeles in 2008.


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