ESPN debuted its late-night live "SportsCenter" broadcast Monday night from the cable network's new production studio across from Staples Center.
The USC band was even on hand to play the shows theme (goes a little something like this: "Da, Da, Da ... Da Da Da").
The show kicked off with a shout-out from Kobe Bryant.
"Wassup? This is Kobe Bryant -- and you're watching 'SportsCenter Los Angeles,'" the Los Angeles Times reported.
The network will continue to broadcast its flagship show during the day and on weekends from its headquarters in Bristol, Conn., but the 10 p.m. PDT slot will be done from Los Angeles.
Stan Verrett and Neil Everett will co-anchor the 10 p.m. broadcast Monday through Friday.
The new 75,000-square-foot "SportsCenter" studio occupies the top three floors of the five-story building that houses an ESPN Zone restaurant.
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In December, the network opened the restaurant in partnership with Anschutz Entertainment Group, which partly owns the downtown L.A. Live complex.
In February, ESPN's Southern California radio station, 710 ESPN, began broadcasting from a new studio at L.A. Live, across the street from Staples Center, where the NBA's Lakers and Clippers and NHL's Kings play.