When you're the oldest liberal arts college in a city known for being a friend to the arts, you tend to turn out graduates who know their way around a multi-syllable word.
With that in mind we do expect that "quasquicentennial" easily trips off the tongues of both current Occidental College students and graduates of the Eagle Rock institution. It is, in fact, Occidental's quasquicentennial this year, meaning a lot of people who attended the school, and some who did not, will be making for the campus to celebrate its 125th anniversary.

Founded in 1887, Occidental has gained a reputation for being both funky and big of brain, a combination that has lent it loads of cachet over the decades. Also in the cachet-lending department is the fact that President Obama was a student there. Author Scott O'Dell was, too. And, yep, we love the fact that Monty Python's Terry Gilliam roamed its halls only a few years before heading for comedy greatness.
Eager to raise a toast? Founders Day is on Friday, April 20 and the school has a host of activities. (The 1887-style scavenger hunt intrigues.) The Spring Arts Festival also kicks off on Friday, April 20. There's an alumni art exhibition and various concerts and recitals.
For a peek at more interesting alumni and what else the liberal arts bastion up the hill is up to, check out the Oxy 125 round-up.