Getting Cream Cheesy!
Daily Driver of San Francisco shares an easy way to make cream cheese at home with California Live’s Blanche Shaheen.
Recipe: Homemade Cream Cheese
– full-fat organic milk
– 1 lemon
– ½ tsp salt
– optional– dried herbs, garlic powder, dried chillies, jalapeños, strawberries, dill, horseradish, scallions.
– Cheesecloth or mesh sieve
1. Pour the milk in a saucepan. Heat the milk and bring it to boil over medium-high heat.
2. Once it starts to boil add lemon & turn off
3. Set aside for a few minutes while the milk curdles. (curds forming and a yellow-ish liquid being left behind).
4. Within a few minutes, all of your curds should have formed. Pour the curdled milk through cheesecloth and a sieve to strain all the liquid whey. You can also use a slotted spoon to scoop out all the curds, while leaving the liquid whey in the pot.
5. Rinse the curdled milk with cold water by pouring the water over the sieve. This will help to get rid of any extra whey, clinging to the curds.
6. Squeeze the curdled milk as much as possible to drain any last drop of the liquid whey.
7. Put the strained milk into a food processor/blender and add the salt.
8. Within 1-2 minutes you’ll have a light and fluffy cream cheese!!!
You can add your flavorings (herbs) at this point.