October 13, 2022 12:29 am

Pickleball Mania

We’re bouncing with excitement for Pickleball mania! Lifestyle Curator, Stacie Krajchir-Tom shares Pickleball essentials with California Live’s Danielle Nottingham and Jessica Vilchis. Stacie talks Pickleball 101 and the essentials to hit the court. Find the list of products below. **Pickleball Essentials List** -THE PADDLES: 1. PLAY PADDLES (SPRINKLE, BACON + EGGS, RAINBOW, CHECKERED) FROM $64 2. WOOD PADDLE SET (2 RACKETS, 4 BALLS, CASE) AMAZON.COM, $39 3. PALM O ACES PADDLE COVER DESIGNS 4. GRIP TAPE AMAZON.COM, $16 -THE BALLS: 1. PINK FOR BREAST CANCER AWARENESS MONTH THE BAG: 1. MARK + GRAHAM THE ACCESSORIES: 1. CIVILE $32 2. HIT HAPPY NECKLACES

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