Plan Your Vote

Everything you need to know about the voting rules where you live

The 2024 presidential election season is here, so it’s time to plan your vote!

Use this page to learn more about how to vote in the November elections, including deadlines for early voting, mail-in voting rules, election day voting rules, voter ID requirements, key-races in your state and more.

This information will be updated frequently throughout the election season.

Select your state:

The Plan Your Vote page will be updated as new information becomes available from state election officials. Please email with any concerns.


NBC News researchers compiled information from state election officials, state websites, official social media communications, and state laws related to voting and elections in order to identify the rules that will be in effect for the 2024 state primaries, presidential primaries/caucuses and the general election.

Researchers compared these rules to what was in effect for the 2022 general elections in order to identify changes. States have been classified as having a major change if the voter experience has changed in notable ways compared with 2022. Major changes include, but are not limited to, significant shifts in deadlines that affect the number of days of early voting, adding or removing ID or other requirements for casting a ballot, and adding or eliminating a particular method of voting such as early in-person voting.

Researchers will continue to track this information and update the site accordingly.

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