
Driver of stolen Lamborghini dies in 100 mph crash attempting to evade LAPD

The LAPD released footage of the interaction between officers and the driver leading up to the crash in Reseda.

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The driver of a suspected stolen Lamborghini Huracan died after crashing the luxury vehicle while attempting to evade police in the Reseda area early Monday.

The driver of a stolen Lamborghini Huracan died after crashing the sports car while attempting to evade police in the Reseda area last month, police said.

Around 5:10 a.m. on April 6, police officers approached the gray 2019 Lamborghini Huracan after noticing the driver fell asleep behind the wheel near the intersection of Sherman Way and Reseda Boulevard.

Officers learned that the Lamborghini was reported stolen. The driver, 51-year-old Elliot Dugan, had multiple felony warrants, according to the Los Angeles Police Department.

Dugan was instructed to get out of the car and refused. After a few questions from officers, Dugan took off and sped west on Sherman Way.

The driver was going over 100 mph when he lost control and crashed into the center median on Vanalden Street.

Police searched for Dugan in the wreckage and his body was located several hundred feet away on a nearby sidewalk. He was ejected from the car on impact and died.

Multiple vehicles parked along Sherman Way were also damaged from the wreckage.


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Commanding Officer of Media Relations of the LAPD, Kelly Muniz, said the investigation is still in the early stages.

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