An Offbeat Dinner Near the El Cortez

PROJECT DINNER TABLE: This local-loving, chef-celebrating traveling dinner party has become a must-go in Las Vegas, and not just because you get to dine in offbeat locales (like Cashman Field), or that you sit at one lengthy table along with 100+ other diners. The food, being fresh and tasty, is truly the star. The next dinner is straight ahead, on Saturday, Aug. 7, and the location is a lu-lu. It's the El Cortez Walkway, right outside the El Cortez Hotel & Casino in downtown Vegas. So you'll be eating essentially on, or very near, Las Vegas Boulevard. Bring your camera. NEED TO KNOWS: The organizers want you to wear a funny hat. It's Vegas, you can do this. Also, the dinner will last about four hours. This is no rush-rush affair. Relax and enjoy the unusual moment. The cost is $125, and you get some goodies, along with your meal. And one-of-a-kind ambience.

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