Depeche Mode to Play Free Show on Hollywood Blvd

Depeche Mode @ Hollywood Blvd Between Vine And Gower Thu Apr 23 (FREE)

Hat tip to Oscar over at Scenestar, where I read the news this morning. Get your tickets @ 1iota now…or don’t. Tickets are not required, but purportedly will get you closer to the stage at this free streetside show.

Next up, to quote Victor and cite another blog we read in one fell swoop of acknowledgment:

Can’t believe the city signed off on this. Clearly they did not learn anything from the depeche mode riots of 1990 - see:

The 1990 news clips on Mike’s blog above are priceless; do have a look. See you up on the boulevard April 23, and remember when filling that flask of yours: Everything counts in large amounts.

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