Applaud Flower-Placing Prowess in Pasadena

It's hard for us to believe, when we see those massive wonders on wheels otherwise known as the famous floats of the Rose Parade, that they are actually covered in thousands of bits of organic material. Bark, seeds, and petals are all on the teeny side, and the floats? Huge. So watching small things cover large things at the Float Decorating event, part of the Tournament of Roses week, is fascinating.

Who is carefully handling all those seeds and bits of flora? Volunteers and people skilled in creating art out of nature. If you've ever seen something of this scale coming together, you know minutia is a major element, as is the careful placing of each little piece to create a larger whole. And while we hardly have the patience to butter toast most mornings, we've longed to go down and applaud the dedicated supporters of the parade who will put in the hours -- days, even -- getting those ready-for-the-spotlight beauties prepped. The decorating lasts through December 31, although the hours are much shorter that day, it should noted.

This is a ticketed event, and there are several locations; two are near the Rose Bowl (the Rosemont and Brookside Pavilions), two a bit further away. Check out the official Tournament of Roses site for details.

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