Atwater Village Lights Tree, Ups “Village-y” Quotient

Tree lightings? As plentiful as they seem, they're not a dime a dozen. In fact, this year we're amazed and delighted to see so many going ahead; after all, it costs some money to get those babies up and keep 'em lit. Atwater Village is next up, with its impressive fir on Glendale Boulevard. The lighting will have the usual merry goings-on, some civic leaders, some applauding, some picture taking for some blogging later. Sounds like a perfect Thursday night in December, which would be made more perfect with a visit to Big Foot Lodge or The Roost afterwards for a bit of Christmas cheer.

Let's not be jealous of Atwater Village. Sure, the neighborhood is plunk in the middle of the sprawling metropolis, and yet they still have "Village" in their name. And it truly seems like a tight-knit, let's-celebrate-the-good-stuff kind of community, so calling itself a village does not seem like a stretch. Okay, we're jealous.

Atwater Village Tree Lighting
Thursday, December 4, 6:30PM
3250 Glendale Boulevard (in the Wells Fargo parking lot), Glendale

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