Free Free Free: The Autry

It's a free day at The Autry.

It was only a week ago that we were singing sunnily about the LA Magazine museum free day chart.

It's a chart. Full of free days. At area museums. From LA Magazine. But then you likely got all that.

What we're hoping *didn't* happen was that you printed it out and put it on your pegboard only to not glance at it again. If that has been the case -- and we do get that, seeing as we're all overextended -- we're here to remind you about a free day at a favorite Griffith Park spot.

The Autry National Center is free on Tuesday, May 11. You live in the West. This place knows the West. History and culture and a little fake horse with a saddle you can sit on and pose for pictures.

Autry, please never, ever lose the little fake horse. You know what we're talking about.

Get there today and pay nothing. Free day! Yippee-ki-yay, indeed.

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