Hugh Hefner at Book Soup

Born in the roaring, anything-goes 1920s and having made his mint (well, his first mint, anyway) in the ripe, Technicolor 1950s, the always-smooth Hugh Hefner and his fabled career have basked in the spotlight for over a half century. How he built Playboy into not merely a men's magazine but a brand-name phenom is the subject of a new book by Steven Watts. Both the author and his smoking-jacket-attired subject are on hand tonight at Book Soup to sign "Mr. Playboy: Hugh Hefner and the American Dream" and chat up fans fascinated with the story of one man who recognized opportunity and capitalized upon it, suavely.

The event is ticketed, so check with the bookstore before attending (and to secure a copy of the book). Mr. Hefner -- or Hef to scores of current and former Playboy bunnies, his friends, the press, the paparazzi and millions of his closest admirers -- will only be signing books for people at the event, so milling about hopefully and edging up to the table will likely not work. Best to ticket up now.

Tuesday, October 21, 7-8PM (call regarding tickets)
Book Soup, 8818 Sunset Boulevard, West Hollywood

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