Little Tokyo Goes Las Vegas

Comedians and crooners celebrate the holidays.

The sparkliest season seems readymade for an old-school, song-and-sketch-filled variety show.

After all, our kids are putting such shows on at their various schools; why shouldn't the grown-ups be treated to a day of tunes and comedy and such? A holiday entertainment presentation doesn't have to be all one flavor.

For a cornucopia of flavor we only need to look to Las Vegas, which has long done variety right. Several Little Tokyo-based performers agree, and, with that in mind, they will pay homage to Sin City and the sweetest season at "A Little Tokyo Christmas Goes to Las Vegas" on Saturday, Dec. 17.

Nope, we don't need to board a bus or plane to get there; it is all going down at East West Players, and twice, too; there's a matinee and evening show. Will Elvis make a debut? Count on it. We're fingers-crossing for a few pompadour'd sightings in fact.

On that note, has anyone ever done a red-and-green sequined jumpsuit? We want to see that. We want to own that, in fact.

Comedy and song and other old-school goodies are promised, too. A general ticket is $25.

Love the fact, too, that there's a holiday boutique on. Get your entertainment and pick up a few gifties for the cousins, too. A good, variety-filled, "Love Me Tender"-ish kind of holiday day. Hooray!

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