WOOLLY'S IN THE KNOW: We had no idea that a certain fuzzy mascot for a certain famous ski resort located in a certain bunch of mountains in the middle of California -- coughWoollycough, coughMammothMountaincough, coughSierraNevadacough -- had a subscription to a newspaper. And yet there is Woolly the Mammoth, a character often seen on the slopes of the Sierra come the peak of winter, reading all about the coming El Niño season, a story craftily placed on the front page. For sure, it is a charming promo shot, but what's pretty dang serious is how excited the ski resorts of the Golden State are over the idea of more precipitation this cold season. Make that a lot more; the fairly dry ski season of 2014-2015 famously hit more actual dirt than paydirt. And to prepare for the possible wetter winter ahead, Woolly and his Mammoth Mountain cohorts are getting stoked early, as in August, as in 100 days out from the resort's official opening day of Nov. 11. If you're as happy about the possibility of more snow in the coming months, happy like Woolly's happy, you may want to get in on this deal. And the deal, which is now open, costs...
100 CLAMS... or 100 pinecones, if you want to keep the mountain theme intact. One hundred dollars will "lock" skiers into "the steepest savings of the year" if they're willing to make an early jump into a ski pass. What's that net you? It's a "Lift and Lodging" package, which includes a place to stay and your way up the mountain, all for one night (it's actually listed as $99 on the site, but the "100" theme goes well with the "100 days away from opening" theme, so that's cool). If you know for sure you're going to get some skiing in, what with the (fingers crossed) damper weather, and you know for sure you like savings, schuss this way. If you see Woolly, ask him where he got his newspaper subscription? And if the publication caters to mammoths only? Just wondering, is all. He's a cool dude, though, and always in the know.