SHOE THEORIES: We have a theory about boat shoes. We think that about 9/10ths of the people who own a pair haven't stepped onto a boat in the last year. Same with people who wear clothes with tiny anchors on the chest or epaulets at the shoulders or other nautical touches. And yet these fashions say to us that there are a large percentage of people who would like to be on deck, off an island, eating a crab cocktail. (Okay, perhaps that last additions is a flight of fancy, but crab cocktails tend to up any situation, we find.) And a lot of those wishers, in their nautical clothing and boat shoes, might be interested in making for Lido Marine Village in Newport Beach over the Thursday, April 19 through Sunday, April 22 weekend. Why? Because it is the Newport Boat Show. Can you go from landlubbing boat-shoe-wearer to captain of your own ship?
"CUTTING-EDGE YACHTS": Those will be a part of the show, in addition to other water-based happenings (including a jet pack demo; yeah, we think we want one of those, especially on Friday afternoons when we have to drive 15 miles of freeway). The Newport Boat Show is a year shy of its 40th, which means it has gained the renown to attract the nicest of yachts and people who want to be on yachts. Too bad the weather doesn't look so good. Oh, we kid. The weather will be absolutely perfect for walking around yachts in Newport Beach. High '70s and light breeze. Happy epaulet-wearing and breeze-enjoying, boat buffs.