“Oz” Finds Home at Hollywood Forever

The summertime flicks at Hollywood Forever return.

Would we call "The Wizard of Oz" the Hollywoodiest of all Hollywood movies?

Yes. Period. And that the outdoor-film-screening collective Cinespia has chosen it as the first film of its 2010 Hollywood Forever summertime Saturday night series feels right. "The Wizard of Oz" plays on Saturday, May 15; gates open at 7 p.m. 

Both "The Wizard of Oz" and that fabled, Hollywood-based cemetery have Tinseltown connections that go way back. Both are beyond loved; in fact, we'll call them beloved. And both film and place speak to themes of home and permanence, something too many people consider all too fleeting in a town of revolving backdrops.

So do we adore the fact that the Hollywoodiest of movies has "home" at its heart? Why yes. We do.

Night is $10. $5 parking within the gates.

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