Raise a Glass of Malt Scotch to Pipes and Cabers

There's just something enthralling about watching a man throw a pole that is several times his height; it's probably as heavy as all get-out, too. The caber toss, that historic, highly visual Highland Games competition, just looks so very hard, but we admit that it's quite exciting to see something so large be sent flying by one very strong human on the ground. A crowd pleaser for sure.

But the caber toss isn't the only focal point of the ScotsFest 2009, happening May 23-24 at the Orange County Fair & Event Center. Accomplished athletes -- decked out in kilts, of course -- also compete in Hammer Throws and The Farmers Walk. We love the names and the events, as we mentioned, enthrall.

ScotsFest also features pipers, bands, and dancers throughout the weekend, plus a Single Malt Scotch Tasting (note that the tasting and the other nighttime event -- the Celtic Spring Concert -- happen at nearby hotel; find details here). The majority of the festival events, including the caber toss and other feats of strength, take place at the OC Fairgrounds.

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