All Hull's Breaking Loose

Hit the haunted Queen Mary decks for ghost-filled tours and killer parties.

Halloween is one of the few times when having that sinking feeling is a good thing. Especially at the Queen Mary's annual Shipwreck, where those who dare can crawl into the bowels of one of the world's most famously haunted vessels. Seven mazes both outside and aboard the ship ensure ample opportunity for completely freaking yourself out. We can vouch: The ship is creaky and creepy on its own. The lurking beasts and ghastly surprises waiting around cob-webbed corners only up the natural horror factor.

Admission also gets you into several dance parties, bands (one actually plays in the boiler room), and what has to be a guilty pleasure: "The Freak Show Deluxe."

Die-hards who want to do some serious ghost-busting can brave an overnight stay with a "RIP" brunch or dinner package. You may need the Champagne just to wash away the willies.

Shipwreck at the Queen Mary
1126 Queens Highway
Long Beach, CA 90802

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