Talking Points: Feb. 9

...Did you, maybe in your earlier years, wear a cape and/or fly and/or save cities from maniacally chuckling villains sporting monocles and/or pocket watches? Someone wants to get in touch with you. (Could be for a possible television show, though, if you can fly and wear a cape, you probably already read our minds and thus know that.)

...But if you are better at the whole being-a-dastardly-nemesis thing rather than the superhero game, there's a guy on Craigslist who wants to chat.

...Units at the gor-ge-ous (yep, we went three syllables on that one) Rowan Lofts downtown went on the block, and, good news in a sea of nobody-has-any-dough-to-spend headlines: People are biting.

...Rain predicted for the next 57 days. Or so it seems. If you have stuff to do that is in the great outdoors, looks like Tuesday and Wednesday are your best, don't-need-a-slicker bet. Otherwise, board games are back. But honestly, we didn't know they left. A life without Clue? We haven't a clue.

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