Tell a Story, Maybe Win Tickets to “This American Life”

Get ready to share on -- where else? -- Facebook.

Finally, Facebook-based oversharing has its day.

If you've felt like your tales and anecdotes have been going unappreciated by family and friends -- what, nobody's hitting the "Like" for your link? -- KCRW wants to make it all better.

In short: "This American Life," along with our droll radio companion Ira Glass, is heading for Royce Hall on Saturday, March 27th, to send us all into a smart-storied spiral of listening pleasure. There will be two shows, a 7PM and a 10PM. Tickets go on sale on Tuesday, February 16th, but.

But but. Ahead of that, right now, over the next few days, KCRW is asking people who want tickets but want to win them, not buy them, to go to a special Facebook page, and, after reading a story prompt provided by the station, to tell their bestest tale.

Don't fret. The themes will be related to music and food and movies and design. No dark tales of breaking up with exes required. Unless, of course, your break-up fell under the "food/music" categories. And don't so many of them?

A "KCRW personality" will judge the best story of the day.

Then voila! Tickets for you, a pair actually, to the later, 10PM show on March 27th.

Get sharing, "This American Life"rs. Get sharing now. KCRW says details are forthcoming, so keep a watch.

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