The Streamy Awards to Honor Online Video Gems

A lot of water cooler chitchat involves videos that are making the rounds online. It's easier to start a conversation with Bob in management about "say, did you see the one with the hula-hooping dog?" than to ask Bob for a raise. Or maybe the hula-hooping dog is a segue into the raise. Good idea? Probably.

The Streamy Awards know we're watching, know we're clicking, know we're laughing/sighing at all the myriad, marvelous, strange, and random video treats burbling up in the vast pool of onlinedom. The very first Streamys takes the stage at the Wadsworth Theatre on Saturday, March 28, with nominees that range from a clutch of cool "Battlestar Galactica" webisodes (nominated in several categories, including Best Dramatic Web Series), the hilarious "Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog" (yay, Neil Patrick!), and Mr. William Shatner starring as Mr. William Shatner in a reality series.

Video and the web have always been cozy-cozy, even in the dial-up days, and we're guessing the Streamy Awards will have a lot to spotlight down the road. And not just dogs hula-hooping, as much as we adore dogs hula-hooping. The storylines, acting, directing, and look of video online is now rivaling traditional television and film in sophistication, star power, pizzazz and quality. Hello, entertainment frontier...

The Streamy Awards
Saturday, March 28, 6PM
The Wadsworth Theatre, 11301 Wilshire Boulevard, Los Angeles

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