TOY TRADITION: We're not sure what we like best about Huntington Beach's annual Duck-A-Thon. We like the idea of seeing some four thousand brightly hued rubber duckies floating just offshore, and we equally like the idea of a lot of people dropping those toy ducks off the pier (because one doesn't get to drop things from the pier every day, nor should one). But even more than those two things is what we like the most. And that is the fact that this yearly event helps out the Huntington Beach Community Clinic.
DUCKY DEETS: Duck-A-Thon is on from Friday, May 13 through Sunday, May 15, but the big duck drop happens on Saturday, May 14. You'll want to purchase a duck, and you'll want to see if your toy is one of the first 60 to make it back to the beach (if it does, you'll nab a prize). There'll be other happy doings during the pier-based festival, too, including some 70 vendors selling goods, and a wine festival.