Weekend: Vampire Con Film Festival

Make sure you can eat popcorn with those fangs.

VAMPIRE CON FILM FESTIVAL: The week summer starts is an unlikely time for a movie weekend devoted to vampiriana. Which is why we like this one so much. Ten movies, three days, all at the New Bev. "Love at First Bite"! Vampires and disco. Yes. Thursday, June 24-Saturday, June 26

ALIVE AND WELL LA: Another good thing to happen the first week of summer: a large, multi-event spectacular devoted to health. NBC will be there, in addition to various get-fit celebs. Get to the convention center Saturday, June 26 and Sunday, June 27. See you at the cooking demos.

"GREASE" SING-A-LONG: And yet another perfect happening to roll during this summer-starts week. After all, this is the film that gave us "Summer Lovin'." Lip gloss up, Los Angeles, and get to the Hollywood Bowl on Friday, June 25.

AND THE VERY NEXT NIGHT... At the very same place is ABBA Fest. An ABBA tribute band struts through the hits. The audience dons its shiniest moon boots. And Men Alive, the Orange County Gay Men's Chorus, raise the proverbial roof. This isn't technically a sing-a-long like "Grease," but c'mon: *Everyone* knows "Waterloo." Saturday, June 26

B-MOVIES AND BAD SCIENCE: The Natural History Museum's summertime cinema series is back. The name says much; the movies may stretch things, but that's okay. There will be a smart person on hand to explain the reality. Saturday, June 26 at Hancock Park

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